2006_03_12 RFF

Right Foot Forward
We had a great time! Highlights were the great weather on Saturday, the COLD river, H20 Xtream, and of course the stock cars Saturday night...Also very COOL!

'Rotten John' earned himself a new nickname (Don't ask!) and provided us with some humorous moments on the river! Jordan H also discovered an exciting new talent...20 cent pieces stick to his head! Grace provided us with an opportunity to brush-up on our first aid skills, and Pete FINALLY did get into the river!

Saturday night we went back to Pete and Heather's new place and camped there for the night...It was a bit drier and warmer than Kaitoke!

Next morning we were joined by Blair and Rachael + Nigel, Pam and Daniel. We had breakfast, checked out weekend photos, then spent some time praying together and thinking about what priority we place on our relationship with God.

A BIG thanks to Claire who came and cooked/helped out for the camp...You're a gem Claire! Thank you!
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